English from scratch: useful tips

It`s hard to start learning English, but no doubt it`s possible. There are plenty of great and interesting methods of learning, which make this process easier and help keep focus on your needs. Let`s figure out how to learn English language from scratch!
Where should you start learning English?
At this point, you might notice the word "stop" in bright red and feel uncertain about where to begin. Does it look familiar? Learning English from scratch can be challenging, especially when you consider the vast number of words, rules, and exceptions that need to be memorized. So, where should you begin?
Let` set a goal of learning English from scratch
What for? First of all, in order to realize what your final destination is. Hence, you will be better aware of your future, for instance, in 5 months you want to set off for a trip and until that time you need to have a particular level of the language. Or in case you want to go to university in a year where a foreign language is a must.
Secondly, in this way it will be much easier to create your own program of learning English from scratch. To put it more simply, if you need English for travelling, there`s no necessity to learn some business English phrases. Or, on the contrary, if you want to learn English from scratch for work and cooperation with foreign partners, then you shouldn`t study vocabulary “at the airport” or “how to ask someone for direction to the Eifel Tower” (however, if you are interested, then you may as well learn it).
Let`s come up with a plan for both work and relaxation
Sure thing, it shouldn`t be something like: “I`ll achieve A1 level or even A2 by June 1. Then, within a few weeks I`ll reach B1, and eventually progress to C1 in less than no time!” A study plan is — a structured order of actions that will help to learn English from scratch. What is our point?
In order to eventually move from level to level, see some progress and achieve the goals set — discipline and order are vital. Check your schedule and find some time for classes. You should study for a few hours every day, you can create a schedule that works for you. 3 times, 1 hour each, or 4-5 times, 30 minutes each. Pick a platform for studying (by the way, there are plenty of online courses on Booyya to meet your every need — be sure to check them!), or, if you feel you won`t cope with it without a teacher — find a tutor. The most important thing is for you to feel comfortable and eventually to see results from learning English from scratch.
And the last, but not the least: don`t forget to have a rest. And you can do it productively: listen to music in English, read books and articles, watch movies or TV shows with subtitles and practice with friends.
Woohoo! Finally let`s learn English from scratch!
When you have a goal and a plan — English from scratch seems to be not from complete scratch. Stick to your schedule, learn everything step by step, do not overload yourself and rest. Believe, you will see the outcomes of these very fast!
How fast can you acquire English from scratch?
And is it possible or not? Definitely yes! But how fast it will happen — it depends on many factors.
What do we have? Level — beginner (A1: Beginner + Elementary), and it means that probably you don`t know even English language basics or know just a little. Now you might feel like you will have to learn English from scratch for more than 10 years, the same period of time you spent on it at school. Absolutely not! If you have carefully read through our clues on language stages, you might have already gotten a studying goal.
In general, if you need to acquire English from scratch, it is going to take about 2 years. You certainly won`t reach C1 in this time, but you will definitely become fluent.
But there`re numbers of methods and a great deal of advice like “Learn English from scratch in 2 weeks”, “B2 in 2 days”, “English as a second language for dummies: how to acquire English in 10 minutes”. Yes, yes, yes, we have also seen those slogans on the internet, but don`t take everything seriously. Unfortunately, or fortunately, any language can be perfectly learned in a week, or in a month, or in year, or maybe, in a lifetime. There is no completion date in the education process, it can never be ended forever — you will anyway find something new and useful.
Try practicing regularly and using various sources and resources. For example, interactive books-platforms 12 TRACKS and NOTES, which are a great choice for those who start learning English from scratch.
Additionally, do not forget to practice and implement English in your life step by step. You may not believe it yourself when you feel ready to tell everyone that you are no longer a beginner.
How to learn English from scratch on your own?
First, you have to realize why you are doing it. And if you`ve decided to go for a way “I`ll do all by myself!”, it means you take full responsibility. So, let`s figure out how to learn English from scratch and not to give up in the beginning.
Stick to a schedule
It's important to have self-discipline because it can help you achieve better results in your studies. Therefore, create your own schedule for studying that can fit smoothly into your week. Here is some advice:
Choose 2-3 days when you will devote about an hour to English. You don`t have to study every day for a few hours, because it may discourage you to the language.
Do not schedule your classes late in the evening or at the weekend if you are not sure you will have enough power for it.
Tick every lesson learned to see the graph in the end of the month. Believe us, it is very motivating!
English language from scratch online: combine and practice
Self-study doesn't mean you should ignore the vast resources available on the internet. For instance, you may choose an interesting for you course of English for beginners from Booyya and build it into your studies. It`s convenient, interesting and you still can tell your friends that you are learning English independently!
You may also find a free speaking club, or get acquainted with someone on the internet to practice the language. There are dozens of such resources for the English language from scratch online practice and you will undoubtedly find something you like. But be careful as you are not always aware of who is there, on the other side of your gadget ;)
Motivation — is a key to success
Your goal — is already your motivation. But you may also make up some nice little things, which will make you happy during your studies. Every student will probably have their own preferences, but there are some options for those, who decided to learn English by themselves:
- go to the movies and watch a film in English, you may also check your listening skills in this way;
- go abroad and practice English with natives;
- buy a favorite book in English;
- order a huge bento-cake with a motivational signature on it;
- have a dinner in your favorite restaurant and say thank you to yourself for the work you`ve done.
English for beginners from scratch can be motivating, but you have to put some effort into it.
Don`t forget to rest
We've already discussed the importance of regular study sessions, but taking breaks is equally crucial in the learning process. And it's even better when you can take advantage of them:
- Listen to your favorite music and analyze the lyrics. You can find plenty of translations online that can serve as a guide, or you can create your own translation.
- Read books in English. You should choose a story for your level to make this process more efficient.
- Watch TV shows, movies and series with subtitles. By the way, it may be more advantageous to watch familiar films as they can make the process of comprehension easier.
By taking small steps towards your goal, learning English from scratch will become a routine practice for you
The difficulties of learning English from scratch online
After starting your English classes, you may feel like you're making good progress by actively learning the language, following a schedule, and trying to use English in your daily life. However, despite these efforts, there are still challenges that come with learning English from scratch.
Problem №1. A language barrier
Imagine that you've been studying English for a few months now, and you've learned some basic grammar rules and a bunch of new words. However, despite your progress, you may still struggle to start speaking English. Thoughts like “They won't understand me”, “I don't know enough”, or “they might even make fun of me” may be running through your head.
To overcome your fears, start by discussing simple topics such as the weather, your daily routine, or your hobbies. As you gain more experience, you'll gradually become capable of having conversations about more complex subjects.
Problem №2. Translation in the head
Many people create sentences in the head in their native language, after they try to translate it. You shouldn`t allow this, better express your thoughts straightaway in English. You shouldn`t be afraid of making mistakes, because English from scratch is not an easy thing and your interlocutor will understand it.
Problem №3. Listening comprehension
You may be good at reading in English, at texting messages or writing letters, but don`t understand what you hear from others. It is a very common problem, so you shouldn`t worry.
Start listening more, listen to podcasts for your level and to your favorite music and check subtitles or lyrics at the same time. No doubt, this type of practice will help develop listening comprehension.
Problem №4. Grammar tenses confusion
There`re many grammar tenses in the English language, all of which are important and necessary to learn. Though, it`s not so difficult to memorize them. You just should pay more attention to this topic in the very beginning. If you feel uncertain about mastering them on your own, consider taking an online course, such as Booyya, which will definitely help to get the hang of it.
Problem №5. Poor vocabulary
English from scratch — is not only all about memorizing rules. Without an adequate vocabulary, you will struggle to speak, read, write, and comprehend the language. After all, language is primarily a means of expressing your thoughts through words, but how can you do that if you don't know enough of them?
Try identifying which words and topics you are interested it, what you often mention when you talk and start filling your vocabulary with new words. But you don`t have to cram. Try implementing the words learned in your conversations and consolidate the meanings of the words and phrases.
Will I manage a learning process by myself?
You've made the decision to learn English, but you may be unsure of your ability to succeed. In this situation, what steps can you take to assess your skills and increase your chances of success?
The first step: begin it
Yes, just begin. Leave your worries behind and start learning English. Only by beginning will you discover whether it's challenging or not. If you find the process enjoyable and see results, that's great — it means you're managing it. But if you encounter difficulties, start skipping classes, and lose interest — it may be time to reconsider your approach and find something more engaging.
The second step: track your progress
Why is it important to immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment? You may have been studying English on your own for some time, working to improve your writing skills and listening comprehension, but you may still feel that your overall knowledge of English is not improving. In some cases, being in an English-speaking environment can make you feel worse than before you started learning the language, since, back in the time you didn`t do anything for it. What can be done to overcome this?
Your classes may be constructed inappropriately or you do not track what you`ve learned and what you`ve just read. The best option here is to ask a qualified person to create an adequate program or to find a course that suits your level.
The third step: challenge yourself
Not at the competition, but in the English language proficiency. If you don`t want to attend courses and study with others, anyway, it`s necessary to practice with someone. Look for some speaking clubs in your city or on the online platforms. They usually choose a particular topic for a conversation there and practice speaking skills. The first and foremost — is to find a group for your language level. Not to stay silent there, but to be able to speak your mind — check your language skills with the help of the language test in advance.
A friendly piece of advice: do not be afraid of making mistakes or speaking incorrectly in your target language. We all make mistakes when we are learning, and even after it. It's okay :)
As the saying says, if you have the desire, you can reach for the stars. Therefore, if you have a clear goal and take the language learning process seriously, then you will certainly succeed. Believe in yourself, your abilities, and keep moving forward!
English grammar from scratch: how to figure it out?
What do learners who are starting to learn English from scratch need? Which topics are obligatory, which can be skipped? Will I manage to learn English from scratch online, if I don`t concentrate on the rules?
In the first place, grammar — is the foundation of English from scratch. Not having a solid theoretical background, you might encounter some difficulties in understanding your interlocutor, in speaking, reading messages, writing emails etc.
You may be wondering which topics are essential to learn. If you are new to English, first you should concentrate on Present Simple tense, Present and Past Continuous, Present and Past Perfect, articles, numerals, modal verbs, degrees of comparison and reported speech. And what great news! You can learn all these in one place if you choose English Grammar in Tables course on Booyya.
There`re plenty of interesting courses for beginners on Booyya, which explain any grammar topics simply, quickly and easily. Choose the courses that interest you and begin learning English from scratch.
What does English for beginners mean?
English for beginners from scratch — is considered the most basic level of proficiency in a foreign language. If you didn`t learn the language in the past due to personal reasons, but you really want to change it, that is where you should begin your leaning way. Find engaging resources on the internet or courses, mull over the reasons you study it and how to implement it in your life. It might be difficult to start, but it isn`t impossible!
Will I manage to learn English from scratch on my own?
It all depends on your self-discipline and skills. You can learn English from scratch independently, but it's essential to understand that you will be fully responsible for the outcome. Therefore, take the task seriously and remain committed. With dedication, you will soon see positive results.
How long does it take to learn English from scratch online?
There is no exact time frame for mastering the language, it is a very individual process. Some people can spend more than an hour a day studying and become fully immersed in the process, while others may not be able to find even an hour. The important thing is not to overwhelm yourself. Take it step by step, focus on what interests you, and remember to take breaks and relax.
How can I assess my ability to learn English on my own?
For starters — just begin. Then track your progress and try to practice the language. If you handle everything — great job, you can continue. If no, first of all, don`t give up, secondly, look for alternative ways of learning. Maybe, you should take a few individual classes with a tutor, buy a course or take group classes with a teacher.
What is the most important in English grammar?
There is no exact list of important topics in English grammar that will be necessary for everyone. You should start by paying more attention to grammar tenses: Present Simple tense, Present and Past Continuous, Present and Past Perfect, also, articles, numerals, modal verbs, degrees of comparison and reported speech.