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Сourses for self-study of the English language

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Describing appearance vocabulary in English for Tinder
3 lessons
~ 120 min
Describing appearance vocabulary in English for Tinder
The Tinder Ready course is designed for those who want to learn and improve their vocabulary related to describing appearance in English. Forget...
Political Correctness in English: Course for Advanced Level (C1)
1 lesson
~ 30 min
Political Correctness in English: Course for Advanced Level (C1)
In a modern society politically correct language has become an integral part of public discourse. It is used to ensure respect and equality for...
Online shopping in English: essential vocabulary and a few secrets by Victoria Beckham
4 lessons
~ 120 min
Online shopping in English: essential vocabulary and a few secrets by Victoria Beckham
This booyya course is the most comprehensive course on fashion, clothes and shopping. After completing this course, you will have learnt what most...
Modals of deduction in English
2 lessons
~ 40 min
Modals of deduction in English
Do you know how to express your assumptions about present or past situations in English? Which modal words are used for this purpose and how to...
Vocabulary 18+ | How to talk about sex in English: intimate & erotic phrases
3 lessons
~ 130 min
Vocabulary 18+ | How to talk about sex in English: intimate & erotic phrases
This booyya course teaches how to talk about sex in English, in online and offline conversations. You will have learned how to: avoid awkward...
English with the Fifth Element movie
1 lesson
~ 30 min
English with the Fifth Element movie
Watch your favourite films in English and learn new words and phrases with this booyya course. The Fifth Element is a modern sci-fi classic and...
Describing people's appearance vocabulary
3 lessons
~ 90 min
Describing people's appearance vocabulary
Can you describe what a person looks like in English? Do you know how to describe their eyes, hair, facial features? Do you know how to explain...
English phrases at the dentist's
1 lesson
~ 30 min
English phrases at the dentist's
Do you get lost when you need to describe your symptoms to a doctor, moreover when the doctor is a dentist or worse, when you need to speak to a...
Medical English with TED: vocabulary on PTSD
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Medical English with TED: vocabulary on PTSD
Do you know what a post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is and what effect it has on people? What symptoms may show that a person is suffering...
English through the TV series Bridgerton (Season 3)
subscription only
8 lessons
~ 240 min
English through the TV series Bridgerton (Season 3)
Do you enjoy TV series and dream of watching new releases in English without having to turn on the subtitles? Then this course on booyya is just...
Business English for sales
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Business English for sales
This booyya course is for those of you who strive to be confident in business and sales communication. The course includes a wide spectre of...
History of Ukraine in English for the last 100 years
5 lessons
~ 180 min
History of Ukraine in English for the last 100 years
This booyya course is a valuable resource for any history geek or anyone who wishes to improve their knowledge of the history of Ukraine or...
Medical English with TED: Human Urinary System Vocabulary
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Medical English with TED: Human Urinary System Vocabulary
Do you know how often a person should urinate? Is it bad to hold your pee and how bad is this habit? These are the questions you shouldn’t...
English with the Office show
subscription only
6 lessons
~ 180 min
English with the Office show
If you enjoy watching sitcoms and dream of learning real-life American English, we’ve got just the course for you! Our team has developed...
Dealing with interruptions
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Dealing with interruptions
You are at an important meeting talking about project updates. You are about to discuss the significant progress that you have recently achieved...
Modal verbs of possibility and ability
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Modal verbs of possibility and ability
This online course titled "Modal Verbs of Possibility and Ability" is designed for intermediate learners (B1 level) interested in...
Talking about Problems and Solutions
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Talking about Problems and Solutions
Want to master vocabulary on the topic of problems and their solutions? Then this course is for you. It will allow you to freely participate in...
Medical English with TED: What causes panic attacks
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Medical English with TED: What causes panic attacks
Let's explore English vocabulary on the topic of panic attacks together. This short online course is based on the TED talk "What causes...
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English courses online: the advantages of mini-programs

The formula for efficient language learning is simple — you have to take a course and practice by yourself in your free time. To achieve desirable results in learning English, it`s necessary to practice on a regular basis, combining different techniques. In order to achieve it, studying programs are based not only on a book but also on interactive exercises, gamification, watching and listening to various content and speaking practice. Diversified self-study helps consolidate the results.

The flow of resources is so huge, that sometimes it might be hard to find an efficient way of studying, it's hard to structure the information and create a study plan for yourself. English mini-courses online are a great choice in such cases — mini-programs are created to provide the maximum amount of information and practice for some topics.

The advantages of English mini-courses:

  • extensive information on the particular topic in one place;
  • a short, but effective program, based on examples and practice;
  • an opportunity to fill in the knowledge gaps;
  • an easy way to create your own program for practice;
  • interesting and diverse learning.

Learning English: how to diversify learning

English online mini-courses allow us to diversify the main studying process and to study by ourselves efficiently. You know better which topic causes you problems, which skills are necessary to improve and which learning format is the most efficient for you, so you will definitely be able to model your list of courses. What you can choose for self-study:

  • if you confuse English tenses with one another, take a series of courses Mini Grammar, which allow studying one grammar topic bit by bit. Or go for a topical course to brush up on a particular tense;
  • a wide range of short courses on particular topics allow consolidating knowledge or filling in the knowledge gaps. For example, with their help you can get the hang of articles use, reported speech etc. And a series of courses of grammar in tables Vital Grammar Notes — is a full-fledged guide on popular grammar topics for every level;
  • if you are getting ready for a trip, moving out, an interview or a presentation at work – opt for a topical English course, which contains all necessary vocabulary and grammar, exercises for practice;
  • special full-fledged courses will help with preparation for ZNO and EVI.

To maintain your language level or diversify learning, go for a mini-program on slang, useful phrases, idioms, also learn English with TV series or with the help of modern art. Hot Topics — is a weekly digest of actual news with tasks and a list of new words. Choose online English courses taking into consideration your level, your needs and interests.

How to acquire English?

There is no one way that might help every person, who wants to know English, quickly achieve a desirable result and level. The most effective way — is a combination of regular study at courses, doing homework, various self-study, participation in meetups, the use of language in real-life situations.

Which English courses to choose?

Standard lessons allow us to learn a language step by step, gradually moving from one level to another, intensive courses — help to level up knowledge quickly, but they require to be completely immersed in a language environment and to devote more time to self-study. Normally, the latter would be a good choice for students with an intermediate lever or higher. In certain cases, short and topical lessons may be useful: with preparation for ZNO, EVI, for business, IT, grammar or vocabulary boosters etc. Pick a course taking into consideration your level, your needs and deadlines.

What helps to learn English online?

In addition, various formats and resources also help learn the language: starting from meetups, Speaking Clubs, to learning vocabulary and slang on TikTok and Instagram. Movies, series, games, interactive tasks, social networks, Youtube videos and many other things — the content you check daily can be put to good use for your foreign language.

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