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Mini grammar: future tense in English

4 lessons
~ 80 min
Mini grammar: future tense in English

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This course includes:
  • component Level:   Intermediate
  • component 80 minutes
  • 4 lessons
  • component Teacher's language:   English

Course program

Who is this course for

For those who want to systematize and arrange all the forms of the future tense.

This course is suitable for any level - because the information is laid out  clearly and understandably.

The course is a must-have for teachers. It is a ready-made lesson for repeating all forms of Future tenses in English.

If you get lost in the English tenses, this course will help you.

What will you get after the course

You will understand all forms of Future tenses, practice the formulas of Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous. You will master all the cases of their use - from the simplest to the nuances of the Advanced level. 

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Olha Yankova
Author of this course

Olha Yankova

I have been teaching English since 2005 and still love doing it. I wrote two textbooks in English for students in Ukraine and even in the Netherlands! I lived in Shanghai, and I call Montana my second home. Also, I went scuba diving without knowing how to swim.
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1680 UAH
279.72 UAH/mo

  • Access to all courses: 188
  • For the selected period, except for English Pro courses
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This course includes:
  • component Level:   Intermediate
  • component 80 minutes
  • 4 lessons
  • component Teacher's language:   English
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378 UAH
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1680 UAH
279.72 UAH/mo

  • Access to all courses: 188
  • For the selected period, except for English Pro courses
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Reviews 5.0
Яніна Яремчук
Anastasiia Kosiak
viktoriya karpyuk
What is the future tense in English?
English has different structures that allow us to talk about events in the future. That's why the language has four forms of the future tense: Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous. To help you understand the role of all the future tenses, let's look at each of them separately.

The simplest tense, which is indicated by the auxiliary word "will". We usually use it when talking about the following things
single events – for example, we are going to go hiking tomorrow, although we rarely do it;
if the situation is expected to happen several times – for example, you have planned several trips to the chiropractor;
assumptions about the future – it is appropriate to use the future English tense if you are making a weather forecast; 
spontaneous decisions – for example, standing on the shore of a lake, you decide to go for a swim because you find out that the water is very warm and you tell your friends about it.

The rule recommends using this tense to indicate the duration of an event that is expected to happen. For example, when you talk about your plans for the evening and say that you are going to watch your favorite TV show, you intend to do it for several hours in a row.
To form the future continuous, the following rule is used: to the verb "will" you need to add the verb "be" and the main verb denoting the action, ending in -ing.

This tense, according to the rules, refers to an event that must be completed by a certain time/date in the future. For example, your mother has planned to bake Easter cakes and you ask her how many cakes she will have time to bake by the evening. 
Forming the future perfect tense in English is not difficult: you need to add "will have" to the subject and the verb in the third form. Remember that regular verbs are used with the ending -ed.

Perfect Continuous
This tense is used in English to indicate how long a certain event will last until a specific point in the future. For example, when you say that next month it will be exactly one year since you got your driver's license.
To create this time, you need to mix the perfect and continuous tenses. Then we get the following construction: will + have been + Ving.

How to quickly understand and memorize different future tense constructions with Booyya
Numerous surveys show that English language learners find the tenses to be the most difficult. To help you out, we at Booyya have created Mini Grammar courses – it’s dedicated to tenses and divided into small thematic blocks for easy learning and memorization.
The peculiarity of the Booyya grammar course is that it simultaneously covers:
clear explanations of the rules with actual examples that you will use in life;
exercises that help you to memorize theoretical material better;
tables that summarize the main information of the topic for easy repetition.
In general, Mini Grammar is an interactive textbook that can be used to study even from your phone. It will always be at hand whenever you have a free moment to study.

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