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Home > All courses > English for programmers and IT specialists: self-presentation

English for programmers and IT specialists: self-presentation

2 lessons
English for programmers and IT specialists: self-presentation

About course

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222 UAH
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185 UAH/mo
246.42 UAH/mo
555 UAH/mo

1480 UAH
246.42 UAH/mo

  • Access to all courses: 178
  • For the selected period, except for English Pro courses
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This course includes:
  • component Level:   Beginner
  • 2 lessons
  • component Teacher's language:   English
  • component Interactive exercises

Course program

Who is this course for

This course is helpful for everyone who works in the IT field.

It is for those who find it challenging to maintain a casual conversation in English and do not understand its specifics in IT.

Be sure to take this course if you are going to an interview in English at an IT company because the success of your interview largely depends on your ability to present yourself.

The course is great for those who often participate in conferences and meetings related to IT projects requiring technical English knowledge.

What will you get after the course

After this course, you will have a set of phrases and vocabulary ready to talk about yourself in English and start a conversation with anyone from the IT industry.

Booyya Team
Author of this course

Booyya Team

The whole booyya team has been working on this course and we hope you'll like it.
Buy forever
222 UAH
  • Unlimited access
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185 UAH/mo
246.42 UAH/mo
555 UAH/mo

1480 UAH
246.42 UAH/mo

  • Access to all courses: 178
  • For the selected period, except for English Pro courses
More about subscription
This course includes:
  • component Level:   Beginner
  • 2 lessons
  • component Teacher's language:   English
  • component Interactive exercises
Buy forever
222 UAH
  • Unlimited access
Buy by subscription
185 UAH/mo
246.42 UAH/mo
555 UAH/mo

1480 UAH
246.42 UAH/mo

  • Access to all courses: 178
  • For the selected period, except for English Pro courses
More about subscription
Reviews 5.0
Ліна Баранюк
Oleksandra Vysh
Олександр Цупко

Buy together 3 courses with -30% discount

English for IT specialists
English for IT specialists
222 UAH
English for programmers and IT specialists: self-presentation
English for programmers and IT specialists: self-presentation
222 UAH
English for IT specialists: job titles and responsibilities
English for IT specialists: job titles and responsibilities
222 UAH
3 courses
  • tick 450 minutes
  • tick 5 lessons
466.2 UAH
666 UAH

  • access to all 178 courses on the platform, except for the English PRO series
  • 3 - 5 new courses every month
  • exclusive access to SUBSCRIPTION ONLY courses
  • access to the Smarte+  - smart online tool for English practice
  • unlimited studying for the selected period
1 month

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555 UAH
6 months

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1480 UAH
246.42 UAH/mo
12 months

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2220 UAH
185 UAH/mo
with unlimited access

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222 UAH
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