16 ways to talk about habits in English (for advanced levels)

About course
This course will teach you how to talk about routine everyday actions using different grammar structures. It’ll help you to
- present your work tasks during your job interview
- tell somebody about your childhood
- talk about your habits in the past and present
And all of that without using the same constructions in every sentence!
The course is for learners from confident intermediate to advanced levels.
Level: Аdvanced
80 minutes
- 1 урок
Teacher's language: English
Course program
Talking about habits
8 відео з поясненнями граматики. Таблиці, правила, приклади. В цьому уроці наступні граматичні теми: used to / would, will, present/past continuous, tend to / be inclined to, be used to, get used to, be prone to / have problems / have hard time, go on / keep (on).
Завдання до всіх граматичних тем з уроку.
Test yourself
Тест для самоперевірки.
Коротка інформація з курсу в одному файлі.
Who is this course for
Teachers who are looking for interesting material of good quality for their lessons are welcome.
The course will be good for those who know the basic tenses but don’t want to use only Present Simple.
For intermediate and advanced levels.
For those who want to enhance your English.
What will you get after the course
You’ll master 16 different ways of speaking about your usual routine actions, learn what is the difference between all these grammar forms, and will use advanced constructions to tell about your work or household routine.
Level: Аdvanced
80 minutes
- 1 урок
Teacher's language: English
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