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5 tips to help you learn English words quickly

5 tips to help you learn English words quickly

A rich vocabulary is great, but how do you build it up without going crazy?

Which ones should you learn, which ones can be skipped, and how do you do it effectively? Unfortunately or fortunately, in order to speak the language, you need to learn English words and phrases and be able to use them. Let's figure out how to become a walking dictionary and whether it is necessary.


  1. How to memorize English words?

  2. How to learn English words quickly and is it possible?

  3. Words are for speaking!

  4. How many English words do you need to learn?

  5. How to learn English words with children?

How to memorize English words?

There are several problems you may face. First, if you are just starting to learn the language, you have no idea where to start and what you need. The second is how to memorize everything and not forget it in a week. The third is what to learn first: rules or words.

And while the answer to the latter is clear: together and comprehensively, the first two need to be focused on in more detail. So how do you memorize English words quickly?

Tip #1: Use different ways of perception

Everyone knows that some people memorize easier by ear, some people understand information better visually, and some people prefer to listen to their own body while learning. In science, these people are called audial, visual, and kinesthetic. 

So first of all, you need to decide for yourself: who are you in the first place? And then you can apply different methods of learning English words online. 

  • For audial learners: educational podcasts, audiobooks, audio phrasebooks, listening to recordings, etc. 
  • For visual learners: reading, movies and shows with subtitles, flashcards, or your own drawings.
  • For kinesthetics: use gestures, write and show what you are learning.

If you understand which methods are effective for you, you can gradually learn the English words you need and see the results.

Tip #2: Use your free time to learn English

Choose a certain number of words that you plan to learn in the near future and return to them whenever you have a free moment. Repeat them, come up with associations, test yourself, make up sentences with them, use them in conversation and in correspondence. 

If you have a goal for which you are actively learning English words, it will help you motivate yourself better. For example, you're planning a trip to an English-speaking country, so you really need English for traveling right now. Booyya has a lot of online courses that will help you learn English words faster online and keep your focus on other topics.

Tip #3: Surround yourself with English speakers

Yes, this is a really effective way to speed up your learning. Change your phone, laptop, or tablet to English. But do it only when you are sure that it won't confuse you or trigger you. You can write them on colorful stickers and stick them around your workplace, refrigerator, or other area. 

You can also start a dictionary that will always be at hand and write down everything you need. If this method seems childish and uncomfortable, you can write phrases in notes on your phone. 

Remember, the closer you are to English, the easier and faster you will be able to learn English words.

Learn English words on Booyya

Tip #4: Focus on topics

Why is this important? First of all, it's convenient because you're learning exactly what you like. 

Secondly, you focus your attention only on the topics you want. 

Third, you can not waste your time and learn only useful things. Below we offer a selection of courses for different tastes and occasions to learn English words online.

  1. It is important to know the names of objects that are around us every day. We think so too, so we're happy to have created a list of 50 everyday items in English that you definitely need to know.

  2. There are different things in life, so you may need English words and phrases for a doctor's visit.

  3. Admit it, which one of you is an office plankton? Catch 100 adjectives in English for office work.

  4. Let's get to the hot stuff: vocabulary 18+ | how to talk about sex in English: intimate & erotic phrases.

  5. Well, and classics for your adventures, namely phrasal verbs for travel.

You can also think of many other topics that bother you and find picks for learning English words online.

Tip #5: Learn gradually

Trying to learn English words all at once is not a good idea. To really make them memorable and stay in your memory for a long time — learn them gradually and return to them from time to time. There is even a recommended schedule for repeating English words, based on the work of German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus:

  • use it as soon as you learn it;
  • use again after 20-30 minutes;
  • repeat it after one day;
  • return to it after 2-3 weeks;
  • repeat after 2-3 months;
  • anchor it after 2-3 years.

And there is also a relevant idiom for this case: Eat the elephant one bite at a time, so do not even try to overpower "100 super-popular English phrases" at once, what is now popular to learn?

How to learn words in English quickly and is it possible?

Quickly — that's certainly a big word, but you can speed up the process of learning English words! And here are some effective tips:

  1. Use in Context: Instead of just learning English words in isolation, you can use them in sentences or conversations. This will help you understand the meaning and remember them more effectively.

  2. Use mnemonics: Creating associations or using visual images to remember can be very helpful. For example, you can imagine a visual image related to a word or create an association with something you know.

  3. Use language cards: Creating language cards or tables with new words and their translations can help you visualize and organize your knowledge. You can create cards with different categories or groups by topic.

  4. Exercise regularly: Regular practice is the key to successful online learning. Try to incorporate English into your daily life by reading, listening to audio or learning new words every day.

Words are for talking!

Why pay attention to learning at all? The answer is obvious — otherwise you won't be able to learn the language completely. Learning English words is an important part of the language learning process.

  1. Knowing words helps you understand written or spoken texts. The more you know, the better you can make sense of the material you read or hear.

  2. An expanded vocabulary allows you to express your thoughts and ideas more accurately and clearly, making your language more diverse and expressive.

  3. When you know a lot of words, you will find it easier to write complex texts, make logical connections, and use different styles and expressive means.

  4. It makes it easier to communicate with native speakers and other people who speak English. In addition, it can be useful in both personal and professional life.

  5. And finally: it's all a basis for further learning and development in English. When you assimilate new things, you get a means to understand more complex texts and go deeper into the foreign language.

If you don't understand, "Where should I learn it then?", here are conversational English courses where you'll find great picks for learning English words online.

How to Learn English Words Online at Booyya

How many English words do I need to learn?

The exact number of English words you need to learn is difficult to determine, as speech is constantly evolving. However, for an everyday conversational level of English, knowing between 2,000 and 3,000 words is usually enough. This will allow you to communicate on many common topics and understand most common texts.

If you have a specific goal or intention to learn English for a specialized industry, the number can be higher and will depend on your particular area of interest.

The best approach is to gradually build up your vocabulary and work on constantly improving it. Remember that language learning is an ongoing process, and you can always expand your knowledge by learning new English expressions.

How can I learn English words with children?

Learning English words with children can be a fun and effective process. Use different sources and resources to make learning more fun.

  • Games and activities: Use games, songs, rhymes and other fun activities to make learning fun for the children. For example, use cards, create music games, organize competitions and contests, show cartoons, or use interactive applications.
  • Visuals: Use illustrations, pictures, drawings or real objects to visualize words. Show children and relate them to related words. For example, show a picture of an apple and say “apple”.
  • Repetition and practice: Provide regular repetition of the English words they have learned. Use them in conversations, ask questions, and create sentences with the words you have learned. You could also give them mini quizzes or exercises so they can apply their knowledge.
  • Real life use: Help children see the practical application of words in everyday life. For example, name items in English as you work with them (e.g., toys, food, clothes). Engage children in using them in different situations.
  • Context and understanding: Show children how words are used in sentences and context. Tell stories or make up dialogues using the words they have learned. Help children understand the meaning through explanations, examples, and associations. For example, if you are teaching the word "cat," show a picture of a cat, talk about its characteristics, and sing a song about the cat.
  • Word games: Use word games to help children remember words. For example, "Word Seekers" (name a category of words and have the children find as many words in that category as they can), "Say a word beginning with..." (point to a letter and have the children name a word beginning with that letter).
  • Learn words in the context of the topic: Organize learning words related to a particular topic. For example, the topic "animals" might include words that describe different animals, their characteristics, and the environments in which they live. Focus on specific topics of interest to the child.

Remember that each child learns at his or her own pace. Be patient and praise them for their efforts and achievements.

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