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English PRO Courses

English textbook for IT specialists
english pro
27 lessons
~ 2500 min
English textbook for IT specialists
Are you dreaming of a career in IT but don't know where to start? Or, perhaps, you are  already working in IT but feel like you lack...
English course for schoolchildren Notes Green Country B1
english pro
56 уроків
~ 3000 min
English course for schoolchildren Notes Green Country B1
Цей курс буде цікавий учням 8-11 класів, з впевненим рівнем володіння мовою як на розмовному, так і на письмовому рівні. Направлений на систематиза...
English course for schoolchildren Notes Green Country A2
english pro
56 уроків
~ 3000 min
English course for schoolchildren Notes Green Country A2
Цей курс буде актуальним для учнів 8-11 класів. Ти зможеш прокачати граматику від Present Simple до Conditionals та збагатити свою лексичну базу. Ц...
IELTS preparation course
english pro
Any level
12 lessons
IELTS preparation course
Planning to take the IELTS exam? Our course is here to guide you through your preparation journey and ensure your success.  Our course...
Online course English workout
english pro
28 lessons
Online course English workout
As they say, it takes 21 days to form a habit. We decided that 21 days might not be enough, but 28 days with daily English lessons for at least 15...
English EVI preparation
english pro
Any level
37 lessons
~ 740 min
English EVI preparation
No sooner had the poor student moved away from ZNO than the EVI had already arrived (ЄВІ Ukr.). The Unified Entrance Exam, which students take wh...
Full English ZNO preparation course
english pro
37 уроків
~ 740 min
Full English ZNO preparation course
ЗНО на ІЗІ! У цьому онлайн курсі є всі необхідні матеріали для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови. Тобі не потрібно нічого шукати додатково: всі...
ESL Teaching: course for English teachers
english pro
13 lessons
~ 780 min
ESL Teaching: course for English teachers
The teacher course gives an opportunity to start a teaching career or improve your qualifications if you are already working as an English...
Online English textbook Notes | Starter (А1-1)
english pro
43 lessons
~ 3900 min
Online English textbook Notes | Starter (А1-1)
Green Forest Teaching Centre developed a unique platform for learning the English language.  You can it the platform to get a desired level...
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