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Self-study plans for learning English

For those who don’t know where to start with self-learning English using the courses on booyya.com, our methodical department has created sample study plans for vocabulary and grammar, categorized by levels or topics. To start studying according to the plan, you need to purchase any subscription to access all booyya courses, add your chosen plan to your account, decide on the frequency of lessons (we recommend at least twice a week), and follow the courses in the suggested order.

Total 12 plans

English vocabulary self-study plan | Level A1

15 courses

19 hours

How to talk about time in English 1.

How to talk about time in English

2 уроки

How to Talk About Habits in English 2.

How to Talk About Habits in English

4 уроки

The basic sounds of English: vowels, diphthongs and consonant pairs 3.

The basic sounds of English: vowels, diphthongs and consonant pairs

27 lessons

City vocabulary: public places in English 4.

City vocabulary: public places in English

3 lessons

Vocabulary about vehicles in English for beginners 5.

Vocabulary about vehicles in English for beginners

3 lessons

Describing people's appearance vocabulary 6.

Describing people's appearance vocabulary

3 lessons

Numbers in English 7.

Numbers in English

4 lessons

Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for starter level 8.

Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for starter level

24 уроки

Phrases for getting acquainted in English: my name is Bond 9.

Phrases for getting acquainted in English: my name is Bond

1 урок

Football in English: basic vocabulary 10.

Football in English: basic vocabulary

1 lesson

How to talk about pets in English 11.

How to talk about pets in English

2 lessons

Prepositions and public transport in English 12.

Prepositions and public transport in English

1 lesson

Giving Directions: how to give directions in English 13.

Giving Directions: how to give directions in English

2 уроки

100 very essential English phrases 14.

100 very essential English phrases

8 lessons

Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for elementary level 15.

Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for elementary level

24 уроки


English grammar self-study plan | Level A1

13 courses

19 hours

Plural nouns in English: grammar and Bukowski's cocktail 1.

Plural nouns in English: grammar and Bukowski's cocktail

1 урок

Verb forms to be in English 2.

Verb forms to be in English

1 урок

Mini Grammar: present tense in English 3.

Mini Grammar: present tense in English

4 уроки

Modal verbs for beginners: can, must and have to 4.

Modal verbs for beginners: can, must and have to

4 уроки

Present Simple and Present Continuous Rules 5.

Present Simple and Present Continuous Rules

1 lesson

All about the modal verb CAN 6.

All about the modal verb CAN

1 lesson

How to Talk About Habits in English 7.

How to Talk About Habits in English

4 уроки

Boost your irregular verbs in English 8.

Boost your irregular verbs in English

2 lessons

Mini-grammar: learning the past tense in English 9.

Mini-grammar: learning the past tense in English

24 уроки

All about the modal verb MUST 10.

All about the modal verb MUST

1 урок

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives in English 11.

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives in English

1 lesson

Difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple: rules and exercises 12.

Difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple: rules and exercises

1 lesson

English grammar charts and graphs course ‘Vital Grammar Notes: fundamental' 13.

English grammar charts and graphs course ‘Vital Grammar Notes: fundamental'

18 lessons


English vocabulary self-study plan | Level A2

15 courses

11 hours

50 english words you use every day 1.

50 english words you use every day

10 lessons

Homonyms in English that are often confused 2.

Homonyms in English that are often confused

4 lessons

How to ask for help in English 3.

How to ask for help in English

1 lesson

Giving Directions: how to give directions in English 4.

Giving Directions: how to give directions in English

2 уроки

Doctor's appointments in English: words and phrases for communication 5.

Doctor's appointments in English: words and phrases for communication

1 lesson

English for online shopping 6.

English for online shopping

3 lessons

Online shopping in English: essential vocabulary and a few secrets by Victoria Beckham 7.

Online shopping in English: essential vocabulary and a few secrets by Victoria Beckham

4 lessons

130 English idioms about habits 8.

130 English idioms about habits

5 уроків

How to always get a 9.

How to always get a "yes"

1 урок

How to buy a train ticket in English 10.

How to buy a train ticket in English

1 lesson

English on a plane 11.

English on a plane

2 lessons

How to give compliments in English 12.

How to give compliments in English

1 lesson

How to talk about music in English: styles, genres and other vocabulary 13.

How to talk about music in English: styles, genres and other vocabulary

2 lessons

English phrasal verbs about emotions 14.

English phrasal verbs about emotions

1 lesson

Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for pre-intermediate level 15.

Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for pre-intermediate level

25 lessons


English grammar self-study plan | Level A2

15 courses

19 hours

Plural nouns in English: grammar and Bukowski's cocktail 1.

Plural nouns in English: grammar and Bukowski's cocktail

1 урок

Quantifiers some, any, many: grammar and Hemingway's cocktail 2.

Quantifiers some, any, many: grammar and Hemingway's cocktail

1 урок

Adverbs few, little, lots: grammar and Edgar Poe's cocktail 3.

Adverbs few, little, lots: grammar and Edgar Poe's cocktail

1 урок

Present Simple and Present Continuous Rules 4.

Present Simple and Present Continuous Rules

1 lesson

Mini Grammar: present tense in English 5.

Mini Grammar: present tense in English

4 уроки

Difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple: rules and exercises 6.

Difference between Present Perfect and Past Simple: rules and exercises

1 lesson

Boost your irregular verbs in English 7.

Boost your irregular verbs in English

2 lessons

Modal verb will in English 8.

Modal verb will in English

1 урок

Will and going to difference: rules and exercises 9.

Will and going to difference: rules and exercises

1 урок

Future Forms: How to talk about plans and predictions 10.

Future Forms: How to talk about plans and predictions

2 lessons

All about the modal verb MUST 11.

All about the modal verb MUST

1 урок

All about the modal verb CAN 12.

All about the modal verb CAN

1 lesson

Mini-grammar: learning the past tense in English 13.

Mini-grammar: learning the past tense in English

24 уроки

First, Second, and Third Conditional 14.

First, Second, and Third Conditional

1 lesson

English grammar charts and graphs course ‘Vital Grammar Notes: fundamental' 15.

English grammar charts and graphs course ‘Vital Grammar Notes: fundamental'

18 lessons


English vocabulary self-study plan | Level В1

46 courses

101 hour

English pronunciation course with difficult sounds practice 1.

English pronunciation course with difficult sounds practice

13 lessons

12 ways to talk about annoying things 2.

12 ways to talk about annoying things

1 урок

How to agree and disagree in English 3.

How to agree and disagree in English

1 lesson

How to speak English politely 4.

How to speak English politely

1 lesson

12 Essential Acronyms for Work 5.

12 Essential Acronyms for Work

1 lesson

How to Write formal and informal Emails in English 6.

How to Write formal and informal Emails in English

1 lesson

How to write an essay and email in English 7.

How to write an essay and email in English

4 lessons

40 ways to say thank you in English 8.

40 ways to say thank you in English

1 lesson

How to always get a 9.

How to always get a "yes"

1 урок

English phrasal verbs about emotions 10.

English phrasal verbs about emotions

1 lesson

How to write a letter of complaint in English 11.

How to write a letter of complaint in English

1 lesson

Business small talk in English 12.

Business small talk in English

3 lessons

English for Movie Goers 13.

English for Movie Goers

1 lesson

Learning English with movie: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 14.

Learning English with movie: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

1 lesson

Phrasal verbs for traveling 15.

Phrasal verbs for traveling

1 урок

How to buy a train ticket in English 16.

How to buy a train ticket in English

1 lesson

English on a plane 17.

English on a plane

2 lessons

English at the Airport 18.

English at the Airport

1 lessons

Traveling survival english 19.

Traveling survival english

4 lessons

English with the Fifth Element movie 20.

English with the Fifth Element movie

1 lesson

365 days of English Vocabulary 21.

365 days of English Vocabulary

365 lessons

LinkedIn tutorial: how to fill out a profile 22.

LinkedIn tutorial: how to fill out a profile

6 уроків

Elevator pitch: how to present yourself in English 23.

Elevator pitch: how to present yourself in English

1 lesson

Positive and negative character traits of a person in English 24.

Positive and negative character traits of a person in English

2 lessons

Learning English through the movie: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 25.

Learning English through the movie: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

1 lesson

Describing appearance vocabulary in English for Tinder 26.

Describing appearance vocabulary in English for Tinder

3 lessons

How to give compliments in English 27.

How to give compliments in English

1 lesson

How to give advice in English 28.

How to give advice in English

1 lesson

How to offer your condolences in English 29.

How to offer your condolences in English

1 lesson

The most common prepositions in English for the Intermediate level 30.

The most common prepositions in English for the Intermediate level

13 lessons

How to talk about music in English: styles, genres and other vocabulary 31.

How to talk about music in English: styles, genres and other vocabulary

2 lessons

English adjectives for describing objects 32.

English adjectives for describing objects

2 lessons

50 english words you use every day 33.

50 english words you use every day

10 lessons

Learning English with TV series Emily in Paris 34.

Learning English with TV series Emily in Paris

10 lessons

Homonyms in English that are often confused 35.

Homonyms in English that are often confused

4 lessons

How to make a CV, cover letter, and pass a job interview in English 36.

How to make a CV, cover letter, and pass a job interview in English

3 lessons

British Cuisine – Food Vocabulary in English and Recipes 37.

British Cuisine – Food Vocabulary in English and Recipes

3 lessons

English running vocabulary: marathon preparation 38.

English running vocabulary: marathon preparation

3 уроки

130 English idioms about habits 39.

130 English idioms about habits

5 уроків

Doctor's appointments in English: words and phrases for communication 40.

Doctor's appointments in English: words and phrases for communication

1 lesson

Meditation and wellbeing in English: phrasal verbs 41.

Meditation and wellbeing in English: phrasal verbs

2 lessons

English with the Office show 42.

English with the Office show

6 lessons

English by the movie The Intern 43.

English by the movie The Intern

1 lesson

English for office work 44.

English for office work

2 lessons

English for job interview 45.

English for job interview

1 lesson

Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for intermediate level 46.

Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for intermediate level

23 lessons
