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Subscription courses

Describing appearance vocabulary in English for Tinder
3 lessons
~ 120 min
Describing appearance vocabulary in English for Tinder
The Tinder Ready course is designed for those who want to learn and improve their vocabulary related to describing appearance in English. Forget...
Political Correctness in English: Course for Advanced Level (C1)
1 lesson
~ 30 min
Political Correctness in English: Course for Advanced Level (C1)
In a modern society politically correct language has become an integral part of public discourse. It is used to ensure respect and equality for...
Online shopping in English: essential vocabulary and a few secrets by Victoria Beckham
4 lessons
~ 120 min
Online shopping in English: essential vocabulary and a few secrets by Victoria Beckham
This booyya course is the most comprehensive course on fashion, clothes and shopping. After completing this course, you will have learnt what most...
Modals of deduction in English
2 lessons
~ 40 min
Modals of deduction in English
Do you know how to express your assumptions about present or past situations in English? Which modal words are used for this purpose and how to...
Vocabulary 18+ | How to talk about sex in English: intimate & erotic phrases
3 lessons
~ 130 min
Vocabulary 18+ | How to talk about sex in English: intimate & erotic phrases
This booyya course teaches how to talk about sex in English, in online and offline conversations. You will have learned how to: avoid awkward...
English with the Fifth Element movie
1 lesson
~ 30 min
English with the Fifth Element movie
Watch your favourite films in English and learn new words and phrases with this booyya course. The Fifth Element is a modern sci-fi classic and...
Describing people's appearance vocabulary
3 lessons
~ 90 min
Describing people's appearance vocabulary
Can you describe what a person looks like in English? Do you know how to describe their eyes, hair, facial features? Do you know how to explain...
English phrases at the dentist's
1 lesson
~ 30 min
English phrases at the dentist's
Do you get lost when you need to describe your symptoms to a doctor, moreover when the doctor is a dentist or worse, when you need to speak to a...
Medical English with TED: vocabulary on PTSD
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Medical English with TED: vocabulary on PTSD
Do you know what a post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is and what effect it has on people? What symptoms may show that a person is suffering...
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