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Medical English with TED

Medical English with TED: vocabulary on PTSD
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Medical English with TED: vocabulary on PTSD
Do you know what a post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is and what effect it has on people? What symptoms may show that a person is suffering...
Medical English with TED: Human Urinary System Vocabulary
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Medical English with TED: Human Urinary System Vocabulary
Do you know how often a person should urinate? Is it bad to hold your pee and how bad is this habit? These are the questions you shouldn’t...
Medical English with TED: Immune system
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Medical English with TED: Immune system
In this online lesson, you will find vocabulary on the topic of the immune system. You will learn to speak in English about how the immune system...
Vocabulary on attraction in English with TED
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Vocabulary on attraction in English with TED
Do you enjoy reading popular science in English? Are TED talks your guilty pleasure? Then you'll definitely love our courses based on TED...
Medical English with TED: What causes panic attacks
1 lesson
~ 60 min
Medical English with TED: What causes panic attacks
Let's explore English vocabulary on the topic of panic attacks together. This short online course is based on the TED talk "What causes...
Medical English with TED: antibiotics
1 lesson
Medical English with TED: antibiotics
Are you aware of the global challenge of antibiotic resistance? Prominent scientists, doctors, and even journalists are discussing this issue, and...
Medical English with TED: 13 phrases about health and sleep in English
1 lesson
Medical English with TED: 13 phrases about health and sleep in English
Are you a healthcare professional seeking to enhance your English communication skills within the medical field? Or perhaps you're an English...
Medical English with TED: pregnancy vocabulary
1 lesson
Medical English with TED: pregnancy vocabulary
This online lesson focuses on pregnancy-related terminology, equipping you with essential medical terms while simultaneously broadening your...
Medical English with TED: what you need to know about pneumonia
1 lesson
~ 30 min
Medical English with TED: what you need to know about pneumonia
You will get necessary vocabulary to talk about the respiratory system in English from this online lesson. This short course is devoted to the...
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