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Home > All courses > Conversational English courses with native speakers Street Notes

Conversational English courses with native speakers Street Notes

The Street Notes courses offer a unique opportunity to learn English online with a native speaker at your convenience, from any location and at any time. Immerse yourself in the «live» language experience, starting from scratch or enhancing your current understanding and speaking abilities today. Overcome the language barrier, eliminating the fear of spontaneous meetings and conversations with native speakers.

Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for starter level
24 уроки
~ 240 min
Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for starter level
Ось 3 головні причини, чому вчити англійську з носієм мови - це хороша ідея: Ти вчиш відразу готові фрази і вирази, а не окремі слова і конструк...
Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for elementary level
24 уроки
~ 240 min
Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for elementary level
Ось 3 головні причини, чому вчити англійську з носієм мови - це хороша ідея: Ти вчиш відразу готові фрази і вирази, а не окремі слова і кон...
Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for pre-intermediate level
25 lessons
Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for pre-intermediate level
Here are the top 3 reasons why learning English with a native speaker is a good idea: You learn ready-made phrases and expressions, not...
Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for intermediate level
23 lessons
Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for intermediate level
Here are the top 3 reasons why learning English with a native speaker is a good idea: You learn ready-made phrases and expressions, not...
Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for upper-intermediate level
26 lessons
Street Notes - spoken english with native speakers for upper-intermediate level
Here are the top 3 reasons why learning English with a native speaker is a good idea: You learn ready-made phrases and...
Street Notes - conversational English with native speakers for Advanced C1-1 level
26 lessons
~ 690 min
Street Notes - conversational English with native speakers for Advanced C1-1 level
Here are the top 3 reasons why learning English with a native speaker is a good idea: You learn ready-made phrases and...
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For a deeper language immersion, learning to use it in the right way without relying on word-for-word translation, choose to learn English with a native speaker. They will assist in training your understanding of spontaneous speech as it occurs in real life. These courses yield positive results for both beginners and advanced learners.


What are the key differences in learning English language with native speakers or without them?

The choice between learning English with or without speakers depends entirely on your individual needs and goals.

If your primary objective is to enhance your spoken English and understand it more effectively, then immersing yourself in the spontaneous speech of speakers is the ideal way to achieve faster results. You can complement this course with General English to work on vocabulary and grammar in detail. This approach ensures that you not only focus on theory but also master the comprehension of spoken language in real-life situations.

By repeating specific constructions after the speakers and understanding the context, your pronunciation is likely to improve.

Courses with speakers are primarily designed to strengthen your aural perception of speech. On the other hand, General English focuses on understanding the structure and rules of using English.


Pros and cons of learning English with a native speaker online

Acquiring a language is often more effective when learned in context. Memorizing a few phrases from a dialogue is more advantageous than attempting to remember hundreds of words listed in isolation. 

Idioms and slang words learnt from textbooks are rarely used by students in the spoken language, or they may use them inappropriately. It is much more effective to remember such expressions in context. This way, the need for frequent dictionary checks diminishes as new words become clear naturally.

However, there are some drawbacks of this approach. Relying solely on this course might not bring the desired results, especially for beginners, as it does not emphasize grammar learning. It is essential to combine it with other classes and textbooks for a comprehensive understanding of English.

It's also crucial to recognize the diversity of English accents worldwide. Complementing your learning with series and movies from different countries allows you to differentiate between accents.

Who is the course with speakers for?

The course is designed for anyone seeking to enhance their language proficiency. Participants will refine their listening skills, easily comprehend various accents, and overcome language barriers. Listening to the authentic, spontaneous speech enables students to develop their pronunciation of words and phrases independently. Furthermore, listening allows students to acquire new words and phrases actively used in daily communication.

Are English courses with native speakers suitable for primary level students?

Yes, the lessons are crafted to ensure that even individuals at the beginning of their language learning journey can understand words and phrases in context. You will fastly grasp a foreign language without relying on direct translation to your native language (this can sometimes hinder the correct construction of sentences). Listening to native pronunciation helps in familiarizing yourself with structures typical in English, a crucial aspect for enhancing listening skills from a basic level.

Is it necessary to learn the language with a native speaker?

No, it is not an absolute necessity. This is a beneficial idea for those aiming to delve deeper into the cultural aspect and expose themselves to live spoken language more frequently. However, it's important to note that native English speakers may not always possess a profound understanding of the language structure and grammar rules. Therefore, combining the learning process with a native speaker with more structured courses or materials is essential. At higher levels, such courses can become the dominant mode of learning.

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