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English for schoolchildren

English language courses for schoolchildren and teenagers, perfectly aligned with the younger generation's wavelength – vocabulary, topics, examples, videos, and other lesson materials are sourced from real-life scenarios rather than dry history textbooks. These courses offer a fun and simple way to prepare for ZNO or other tests, or just progress through each level  independently or with a teacher.

English course for schoolchildren Notes Green Country A2
english pro
56 уроків
~ 3000 min
English course for schoolchildren Notes Green Country A2
Цей курс буде актуальним для учнів 8-11 класів. Ти зможеш прокачати граматику від Present Simple до Conditionals та збагатити свою лексичну базу. Ц...
Full English ZNO preparation course
english pro
37 уроків
~ 740 min
Full English ZNO preparation course
ЗНО на ІЗІ! У цьому онлайн курсі є всі необхідні матеріали для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови. Тобі не потрібно нічого шукати додатково: всі...
English course for schoolchildren Notes Green Country B1
english pro
56 уроків
~ 3000 min
English course for schoolchildren Notes Green Country B1
Цей курс буде цікавий учням 8-11 класів, з впевненим рівнем володіння мовою як на розмовному, так і на письмовому рівні. Направлений на систематиза...
Stories English textbook for 5th grade schoolchildren
90 lessons
Stories English textbook for 5th grade schoolchildren
Це не курс і не підручник.  Це пілотний матеріал для вчителів та їх учнів 5-ти класників! Цьогоріч на державний конкурс підручників подаєтьс...
English ZNO preparation: module 1
Any level
1 уроків
~ 20 min
English ZNO preparation: module 1
У повному курсі ЗНО є всі необхідні матеріали для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови. Але ти також можеш окремо придбати будь-який з восьми модул...
English ZNO preparation: module 2
english pro
Any level
1 уроків
~ 40 min
English ZNO preparation: module 2
У повному курсі ЗНО є всі необхідні матеріали для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови. Але ти також можеш окремо придбати будь...
English ZNO preparation: module 3
english pro
1 уроків
~ 30 min
English ZNO preparation: module 3
У повному курсі ЗНО є всі необхідні матеріали для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови. Але ти також можеш окремо придбати будь...
English ZNO preparation: module 4
english pro
Any level
1 урок
~ 40 min
English ZNO preparation: module 4
У повному курсі ЗНО є всі необхідні матеріали для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови. Але ти також можеш окремо придбати будь...
English ZNO preparation: module 5
english pro
Any level
1 урок
~ 30 min
English ZNO preparation: module 5
У повному курсі ЗНО є всі необхідні матеріали для підготовки до ЗНО з англійської мови. Але ти також можеш окремо придбати будь...
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Modern learners are used to distance education, so learning English online doesn’t normally cause any difficulties. But this type of learning has some ins and outs, which should be taken into consideration when one chooses courses or programs for self-study. To achieve desirable results faster, it's necessary to practice English on a regular basis, combining various techniques. What helps learn English for pupils efficiently is described below.

What English for pupils contains

To make a process of studying English efficient, a pupil must have a desire to learn a language. As a rule, it comes when a learning process is fascinating and received knowledge can be easily applied in practice. Here is a proven method of studying English for pupils in a diverse and interesting way and what is more important efficiently:

  • attend courses a few times a week;
  • do homework;
  • devote 15-20 minutes a day to self-study outside a language school: watch cartoons, read books, listen to music in English, play games, use special apps;
  • attend English speaking clubs (1-2 times a week).

Each of the steps above helps improve a particular skill. A great variety of resources on the internet, special apps and even social networks help learn English for pupils. And in our online store you can find a short course on how to level up your knowledge of a particular topic, for example, how to prepare for ZNO, figure out the use of articles or boost vocabulary on some topic etc.

English for teenagers: the ins and outs of learning

The points mentioned above also work in case of learning English by teenagers. Besides, we should take into consideration, that some of them are planning to take ZNO in English or an international exam, they consider applying to a foreign university. In general, teens face English in everyday life more often: they follow foreign bloggers, listen to music, watch teen shows, reviews and lifehacks on Youtube etc. They have more practice, but it isn’t structured or systematized, that’s why it’s vital to work on regularity and self-discipline. 

Short, but extensive English courses for teenagers from our online store might come in handy this time as well. For instance, you can take a complete ZNO preparation course, boost the most necessary vocabulary or refresh all grammar tenses in your memory. 


1. Which English courses for teenagers are better: offline or online?

English courses for teenagers online are not any worse than offline courses but might require more self-management and self-discipline. On the other hand, they give an opportunity to study from anywhere in the world, to alter a schedule due to the current circumstances. Picking a format, consider your present situation, your child’s workload and preferences.

2. Which language courses are the most popular for pupils?

As a rule, for pupils, we choose general courses, that allow learning English step by step, gradually moving from one level to another. In certain cases, you may need an intensive course with ZNO, an international exam or a trip preparation etc.

3. How online classes for kids and teenagers are conducted?

In the process of learning pupils use modern books, as a rule, some digital, audio and video materials, interactive exercises, gamification, they watch cartoons, movies, scientific or entertaining shows, video reels and many other things. In order to consolidate knowledge, children do home assignments and use extra materials. 
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