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booyya for cases&creative practice

Financial English: budgeting, banking, investment
3 lessons
~ 140 min
Financial English: budgeting, banking, investment
Financial literacy is also about being able to talk about money. That's why we should all learn to talk about running our budget, investing,...
English for online meetings
1 lesson
~ 20 min
English for online meetings
Online meetings have become our everyday reality. Calls with colleagues, Zoom meetings, Skype with relatives, and online classes at school and...
40 ways to say thank you in English
Any level
1 lesson
~ 25 min
40 ways to say thank you in English
Which phrase is the second most popular among Ukrainians abroad? Yes, this is the phrase thank you. Ukrainians keep thanking the Poles, the...
How to persuade in business
3 lessons
~ 90 min
How to persuade in business
To be convincing in English is a very important skill. This course will teach you to speak English confidently, give arguments, and defend your...
How to negotiate in English
1 lesson
~ 40 min
How to negotiate in English
Negotiations are not just about bows, big tables and serious people. In fact, we take part in negotiations every day: with a neighbor (not to...
How to talk about deadlines in English
1 lesson
~ 40 min
How to talk about deadlines in English
The most useful phrases to talk about deadlines will help at work and during business negotiations. Set the deadlines for completing tasks,...
100 adjectives for office work
6 lessons
~ 180 min
100 adjectives for office work
There are the most necessary adjectives for office work. How to describe your workplace and working conditions. How to tell about professional...
Elevator pitch: how to present yourself in English
1 lesson
~ 40 min
Elevator pitch: how to present yourself in English
Just imagine that you`ve got only 3 minutes to tell the employer of your dream about yourself. And now imagine that you should do it in English....
How to make a CV, cover letter, and pass a job interview in English
3 lessons
~ 90 min
How to make a CV, cover letter, and pass a job interview in English
This business English course covers three topics: resumes, cover letters, and interviews. It has all the vocabulary and grammar you need to be...
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