English EVI preparation

About course
No sooner had the poor student moved away from ZNO than the EVI had already arrived (ЄВІ Ukr.).
The Unified Entrance Exam, which students take when entering the magistracy. Our course will help you prepare for such an English test. It was developed by the Green Country School of English and included all aspects of this test: Reading, Use of English.
No need to search for topics and grammar all over the Internet. Everything is assembled with examples, explanations and working out of topics in our EBI course.
The course uses elements of the free course "Ізі ЗНО", developed by the public organization "Osvitoria", a team of the EdEra online education studio in partnership with the Green Country English language school network.
Level: Any level
740 minutes
- 37 lessons
Teacher's language: Ukrainian
Course program
English ZNO. Explained
People around + Present Tenses. Adjectives. Infinitives & V-ing.
Food, health + Countable and uncountable nouns. Must / Have to. Too and enough / So and such.
The world around + Past Simple & Present Perfect. Past Perfect & Past Perfect Continuous. Adjective formation. Numbers & Nouns.
Living and spending + Articles: A / An / The. Adverbs. Relative clauses. Linkers of contrast.
Learning, earning and travelling + Would & Used to. Noun suffixes. Future Tenses & will, going to, may, might. Future Perfect, Continuous, Perfect Continuous.
In the 21st century + Passive Voice. Dependent prepositions. Conditionals. I wish & If only. Reflexive pronouns.
Culture vulture + Modals of advice. Modals in the past. Linking words of purpose. Reported Speech. Reporting verbs.
Places, clothes, equipment and other
What will you get after the course
You will repeat all the material for four years of study at the university, structure your knowledge and significantly improve your English. You will receive a clear plan for preparing for the EBI test. Step by step, you will go through all the topics necessary for passing the test, and you will pass EBI well even if your English is now weak.
Level: Any level
740 minutes
- 37 lessons
Teacher's language: Ukrainian
Preparation for English EVI: what to expect from the exam
Since 2023, applicants for admission to the master's program have taken a test, which is reminiscent of ZNO. However, it was EVI – a single entrance exam consisting of two parts. The first is a test of general academic competence, which we will take out of consideration today, and the second is a block on a foreign language (applicants chose themselves which language to take, though English was the most common).
So, how to pass English EVI? If you plan to apply for a master's program, in this section, you will encounter 30 tasks divided into groups by type:
- in the first 6 questions, you are required to match, for instance, a question with its corresponding answer;
- another 5 tasks involve multiple-choice tests;
- in the last 19, you need to fill in the blanks with the missing words in the given sentences
Note that, unlike the English ZNO, there is no need to take a listening test in EVI – here, only your skill in reading foreign language and your proficiency in it are evaluated, assessing your ability to use it in practice. You have a total of 45 minutes for the exam. However, you will have a great deal of time if you choose Booyya's EVI preparation course and learn English with us. As the exam can always trigger excitement, especially when you aim to enter a state-funded education program. Moreover, the situation may be much more complicated owing to the lack of necessary recommendations and preparation materials. Therefore, we are looking forward to helping you overcome this obstacle; the main thing is not to postpone studying for the course until the last moment!
Preparation for English EVI online with Booyya
To create the perfect language preparation course, we thoroughly studied the features of this exam, took it ourselves, and then started developing our lessons. We divided all the study material into two blocks – one dedicated to grammar, and the other to vocabulary. Each lesson allows you to gradually master essential knowledge that will be necessary for sitting your exam with flying colors. By studying on a daily basis, you will easily prepare for the test in nearly one month.
To ensure your preparation for English EVI goes with no extra sweat, we have created engaging and up-to-date lessons. In addition to grammatical rules and word lists, you will find a wealth of interactive materials, including videos, audio, memes, and other entertaining elements. These elements will not only boost your mood, but also motivate you to learn. We will not make you repeat those dull phrases about fog in London; instead, we will use the same words and expressions from dialogues of characters in a popular TV series you might have watched just yesterday.
With the EVI preparation course from Booyya, you will finally realize that English is not as difficult as it seems to be at first glance. The key here is consistent work on the lessons from the course. Therefore, we recommend planning your schedule for the entire month in advance and allocating time for studying and preparation. It is important not only to go through our lessons, but also to review them to better consolidate the information. However, the whole course is structured so that words and grammar from the previous lesson are revisited in the next one, gradually expanding your knowledge and refining your English step by step.
Don't have much time to learn everything for EVI? It is not a big deal, because you can study with the Booyya course online from anywhere at any time. You can open lessons and complete tasks by means of any device, so you can review words and master grammar even during coffee breaks or subway rides. You are given unlimited access to educational materials, thus there is no need to worry about them disappearing one day. What is more, you can study at any time of the day because this online course has no schedule or instructor – you shape your own timetable.