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Home > All courses > Full English ZNO preparation course

Full English ZNO preparation course

Any level
37 уроків
~ 740 min
Full English ZNO preparation course

About course

english PRO
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888 UAH
  • Unlimited access
This course includes:
  • component Level:   Any level
  • component 740 minutes
  • 37 уроків
  • component Teacher's language:   Ukrainian

Course program

What will you get after the course

Ти повториш весь пройдений у школі матеріал, структуруєш свої знання, значно підтягнеш свою англійську. Отримаєш чіткий план підготовки до тесту ЗНО з англійської мови, крок за кроком пройдеш усі теми, необхідні для складання тесту, і здаси ЗНО з англійської на 180+ навіть якщо зараз твоя англійська слабка.

english PRO
Buy forever
888 UAH
  • Unlimited access
This course includes:
  • component Level:   Any level
  • component 740 minutes
  • 37 уроків
  • component Teacher's language:   Ukrainian
english PRO
Buy forever
888 UAH
  • Unlimited access
Reviews 5.0
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Franchuk Adelina

English ZNO preparation: how to pass the exam with flying colors

There is no single "formula for success” that will guarantee a high score in the ZNO English test. Each student is unique, and not only their language proficiency level but also a comprehensive and proper exam preparation influences the final result. The good news is that there are many methods and programs available to help students attain the required score.

To make the most of them, it is of utmost importance to start by assessing your current level of knowledge. Firstly, this helps determine the optimal preparation time. If you know that your current level may not enable you to achieve the desired score, it is better to start preparing for the test beforehand. Even if you are confident enough in your knowledge, do not leave till tomorrow that which you can do today. This exam has its peculiarities and requires specialized preparation.

Secondly, understanding your current level will help work on your weaknesses, and improve topics that will be tested in ZNO. This could involve grammar, vocabulary related to specific topics, writing skills, or listening comprehension. Analyze your mistakes in practice tests and work on correcting them.

Do not turn exam preparation into an exhausting marathon. A thoughtful approach will help you prepare for ZNO efficiently and comfortably at your own pace, making you feel more confident during the actual examination. Below, we will consider what to pay attention to when preparing for the test.


Peculiarities of preparing for English ZNO

  • English ZNO has its own peculiarities, so it requires systematic preparation in advance. It should include:
  • Understanding the rules, format, and structure of the exam is crucial. ZNO includes tasks of various formats, all limited by time, and has its strict rules – being ready for anything is a must. Additionally, it is important to learn how to effectively manage your time during the exam to ensure completion of all tasks.
  • Practicing regularly. The format and structure of the test are clearly defined, examples of tests from different years can be easily found in the public domain. Specialized literature and preparatory programs are available. Make the most of every opportunity to better understand what you are expected on the exam.
  • Developing writing, reading, listening, and language usage skills. The exam is comprehensive, so it is essential to pay attention to different aspects of the English language, boost the necessary vocabulary, and improve grammar.
  • Progress monitoring. Before diving into the preparation for ZNO, it is advisable to take a practice test to assess the current level. Throughout the preparation, feel free to undertake mock exams, use materials from previous years to track your progress. Analyze mistakes and give them extra attention. After completing the courses, a practice test ought to be undergone that closely resembles the actual ZNO.
  • Psychological preparation. Pay attention not only to knowledge but also to managing your anxiety. It is important to learn how to cope with stress to keep your cool while taking ZNO. 

During exam preparation, working on various skills and aspects of the English language is a must, so it is essential to start early and have a clear understanding of what to focus on more.


The advantages of Booyya's English ZNO preparation courses

This Booyya course is designed to familiarize students with the test format, enhance their knowledge, and practice topics essential for the exam. The benefits of the course include:

  • a clear plan — everything necessary for preparation is gathered in one course, there is no need to independently search for materials and resources;
  • unlimited access — you can start preparing at any time, regularly go back to the lessons if you need to clarify something or refresh your knowledge;
  • for students at any level — the program will help to enhance your current level of knowledge and prepare for the test.

Moreover, the website offers a wide selection of mini-courses based on vocabulary and grammar for different levels. If one topic seems to be confusing, you can always take an express course where rules are explained in a simple way and accompanied with examples.

Remember that exam preparation is an individual process, and each student may require a personalized approach. Find the preparation method that works best for you.


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